rise rise

For a new


Environment is everything: the air we breath, the food we eat, the energy we produce, the landscape we live.

Who we are

R!SE is an environmental communication project that proposes a new approach and new tools to clearly explain today's major environmental challenges, from the geopolitics of energy transition to the dramatic disappearance of biodiversity.
It intends to act as a bridge between the general public, researchers and institutions to disseminate scientific information in an accurate and direct manner.

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Multimedia, independent journalistic work

Support to the communication of institutions, EU projects, foundations and many others

Articles, short videos and reel on environmental topics and stories

Capacity building and training

Five principles for a new environmental communication

R!SE bases its approach on five principles to show the subtle nuances of the environmental narrative avoid polarisations, show the interconnectedness of the issues and at the same time increase scientific accuracy of the narrative and the breadth of the audience reached.

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1. Environmental issues
are all interconnected.

It is not possible to compartmentalise the environment, dividing climate change and habitat protection, energy and biodiversity, for example. There is more: it is now impossible to separate environmental topics from once largely human issues, such as industry or agriculture.

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2. There is no longer any separation
between man and nature.

The idea of vast, untouched territories is a distant dream, both in Europe and the rest of the world. Man is everywhere: the goal is now to find a new way for man and nature to coexist, and to preserve the few pristine ecosystems that are still intact in the world.

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3. There are not (always)
good and bad guys.

The environmental debate is built on nuances, not on the opposition between criminals and benefactors. There are exceptions, of course, but in most cases the goal should no longer be to accuse, but first to understand.

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4. Communication needs
more science,
science needs more communication.

The complexity of environmental issues makes it necessary to build a bridge between those who have the dissemination tools and those who have the data and information, creating opportunities and platforms for a constant and lasting dialogue.

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5. It is now or never.

The threats not only the environment, but the world as a whole is facing have never been so great and so real. However, this is also a time when we still have a chance to reverse or reduce these trends, because we finally have the right tools – technological, societal, even political. We must act now for them to succeed: it is the last chance we have.


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